Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Spring Break

I have never had a Spring Break vacation. I didn't even have one when I was little. My dad was Hicksville High School's head baseball coach before I was born, therefore, he was always coaching baseball during spring break. By the time he was done coaching baseball, I was in Junior High and playing softball. High School passed with still no Spring Breaks, and now I'm in college. Even though I will be playing softball over Spring Break, it will be somewhere other than Northwest Ohio. I will be in warm, sunny Florida! I am very excited to finally be done with my last 5 A.M. of my Freshman year tomorrow. Then, we leave Friday afternoon at 1 P.M. We are staying in Tennessee on the way down, then when we get to Florida Saturday, we will practice. Games start on Sunday, and we play a total of 10 games while in Kissimmee, Florida, with a day off on Wednesday. We will leave the next Saturday morning, and stay in the same Tennessee hotel that night. We will then get up early Sunday morning and travel back to Defiance, arriving around 4 P.M. in the afternoon. Granted I will still be playing softball, but I am definitely looking forward to being in a different, exciting place for Spring Break.


  1. Florida sounds like a nice, warm place to go for Spring Break! I hope you have fun, even though you still have softball. The golf team is going to Myrtle Beach. It will not be as warm as Florida, but will still be nice weather and will be a fun trip.
    I do not see any major problems with your blog.

  2. I know how you feel this will be my first spring break vacation as well with the wrestling team. I wish you the best of luck in your first college softball games over break.
