Monday, April 4, 2016

Skills Learned in College

By the time I graduate from college, I would like to have learned multiple skills. These skills include, better time management, communication/presentation, budgeting, prioritizing, and working under pressure.
Currently, I have a decent skills in time management, yet I always have room for improvement. I could definitely improve where I use my time more wisely, instead of watching an episode of Netflix. With playing softball, I think I have learned a lot of time management already, but like I said, there is always room for improvement.
I have also had terrible communication/ presentation skills. I struggled throughout high school and even now when I have to stand up in front of a crowd or a group of people and talk. I especially struggle talking about myself. I took a college communication course in high school to have the credits, but I look forward to learning more skills for communication and presenting in the future so I can look confident when I go in for interviews for a job after graduation.
Budgeting is a large skill that I need to learn. Prioritizing goes along with this as well. I still need to learn when to prioritize when to go out to eat, or when to buy specific things. I tend to go out to eat a little more than I should, especially when I have the Cafe food right here on campus. Also, when I go shopping for groceries, I tend to buy a lot of things that I see rather then things that I need. I need to learn better prioritizing in when I can go places and things that I can/should by. Also with budgeting, I need to start setting a specific amount on how much I spend a week, or how many things I get at the store. This would be so I still have spending money when my friends want to go out to eat or go do something fun so I don't have to miss out.
The last skills that I would like/am starting to gain in college is working under pressure. In high school, I always got everything done early. Papers and assignments were usually done up to a week early and I studied for tests a large time away from them. Now, it is hard to get assignments done a week early because we don't always get that much time to do them. It is also hard to study for a test a long period of time out too because most of the time we get all the information two days before a test. I have definitely learned how to bust out a decent paper or study hard for a test in a short amount of time and being under pressure.

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