Thursday, February 18, 2016

Biggest Regret

My biggest regret would probably be not getting my high school softball team my senior year a first ever Regional Title. This regret does fit the "not" pattern. Not winning a Regional Title is probably my biggest regret because I truly believe it was something that the team could have accomplished. We had already won the first ever District Title in school history that year, so it was the first ever Regional Appearance for Hicksville. We started the Regional Semifinal game very well! We were making all the plays we needed to, and we were hitting the ball hard in the gaps. We were up 4-1 when lightning struck. We waited for about an hour and a half through lightning and rain to see if we could continue. Unfortunately we were not able to continue the rest of the game that day. We also could not call the game because it was only the bottom of the 3rd, with 2 outs, and we were the away team. Games have to have a total of 5 innings (or 4 and a half depending on who is home and winning) in before they are able to be called. Therefore, we had to come back the next day to finish the game. We decided (based on superstitions) that we would wear the same uniforms we had worn. 
We got back to Findlay High School (wear Regionals was held for Division 4) and started the game. During warm-ups were were listening to the boys game on the radio. Our baseball team had left earlier in the day for their Regional Semifinal game. They finished about the time we started and they won. We had said it was our turn, but saying that was different than doing it. When we came out flat, the roles were completely switched. We could not field the ball and make necessary plays, and they were hitting the gaps very well. We ended the season with a 5-4 loss in the first ever Regional Semifinal softball game Hicksville had been to. The main reason I regret this loss is because the team we played went on the the Regional Title game and killed the team they played. If we would have come out strong, We could have had a very strong chance of giving Hicksville Softball its first ever State appearance. 
Honestly, it is hard to turn this regret around and not feel regretful anymore, but I was satisfied at first. My initial goal for the year was to win the first ever District Title, and we achieved that goal. That would be the only way I would not feel regret for not winning the Regional Semifinal game. 
My regret does not necessarily relate to lies and deception, but other regrets could. This could happen through someone using lies and deceiving a loved one, then eventually losing them due to those lies and deception they put that person through. Another way would be if someone was under the influence of something and had sexual intercourse with another person, then regretted it in the morning. During the time of intoxication, there could have been lies said, and one person could have been deceiving the other to get them in bed. These are ways that regrets could relate to lies and deception. 

Fast and Furious

An unusual movies series for a typical girl to like would be the Fast and Furious series. If you know me at all though, I am definitely not a typical girl. I dress nice and "girly" here and there, but growing up, I was one of the biggest tomboys you had probably seen. My hair was always up, I always played games at recess with the boys, and always wear t-shirts and shorts or jeans. Now that I am grown, I am definitely a lot more "girly," but there are some times where my tomboy does come out. Sports and movies are a large part of this. Fast and Furious is probably one of the biggest times. I LOVE the movies! I enjoy the different stunts with the vehicles, the speeds and races, and the gambles. It has definitely gotten me into liking different cars and the beauty in them as well. The Fast and Furious series is a very enjoyable series that I recommend to anyone who has not seen the movies.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Lying TEDtalk

Lying is a cooperative act in that the power of a lie appears when someone else agrees to believe in the lie. By doing this, you agree to be lied to. I agree with what Meyer has to say about cooperative lying because cooperation is agreeing with someone on a topic. In cooperative lying, the one being lied to, agrees to believe the lie being told. Large reasons of why we lie is to please someone else's feelings. If you would not want to be deceived by others, then you need to make sure you know exactly what you are looking for. When Meyer states that lying is a way of connecting that we wish we were with what we are, she is basically saying that lying bridges a gap. We know that we are not something that we would really like to be, so we lie to make ourselves think we are what we aren't. I would definitely agree with Truth #2 that we, as a society, are against the thought of lying, but we do it as needed for good reasons. We do this because we don't completely understand the gaps and lying is something that is just part of our culture and history. Some techniques used to spot liars include not using contractions in speech to over determine denial and using phrases like, "that woman" to distance themselves. Other techniques are freezing the upper body, not fidgeting at all, looking in the eyes too much, fake smiling, looking down, lowering the voice, etc. Now, even people telling the truth will show some of these signs, but it is when you see a large number of them in clusters that you can tell they are lying. We would want to learn techniques to see if people are lying or telling the truth. These would mostly come in handy in the law setting when telling if someone is guilty or innocent. Honestly is definitely something worth preserving. Most relationships, whether they be romantic, business, or athletic, are based on honesty. If there was no honesty, the world could end up being a very unsafe place. We can create a cultural/societal change through things like social media. If we change the way we post by not oversharing our lives and everything in them, it will definitely help. Oversharing things is not honesty. Integrity and character are what matters, and oversharing is something that does not not help us keep either. Being more straightforward about moral codes could help signal to others that you life is an honest life. This will help to change the ground and even people around you to be more positive.

Friday, February 12, 2016

5 A.M. Progess

Tomorrow (Saturday) marks the end of week three for early morning practices. We are halfway done. I am doing well with waking up in the morning, that has not been much of a struggle. The struggle has been staying attentive during my classes. Lecture classes are the hardest (Psychology). I do my best to try and get a short nap in around 11 before I eat lunch. That is something that definitely helps me to stay awake. As far as practice goes, we are doing well. In three weeks, we have only had one bad practice and it was yesterday (Thursday). Today we definitely picked up the intensity and had a lot better of a practice. This year, Coach decided for Saturday practices, we will be doing a "travel roster." The first Saturday, we had 22 out of the 34 players at practice. Each Saturday we go down by one player. Tomorrow we will be at 20. So far, I have made the cut for every Saturday practice. My goal is to make it to every Saturday practice and make the 18 man travel roster for the season.