Friday, February 12, 2016

5 A.M. Progess

Tomorrow (Saturday) marks the end of week three for early morning practices. We are halfway done. I am doing well with waking up in the morning, that has not been much of a struggle. The struggle has been staying attentive during my classes. Lecture classes are the hardest (Psychology). I do my best to try and get a short nap in around 11 before I eat lunch. That is something that definitely helps me to stay awake. As far as practice goes, we are doing well. In three weeks, we have only had one bad practice and it was yesterday (Thursday). Today we definitely picked up the intensity and had a lot better of a practice. This year, Coach decided for Saturday practices, we will be doing a "travel roster." The first Saturday, we had 22 out of the 34 players at practice. Each Saturday we go down by one player. Tomorrow we will be at 20. So far, I have made the cut for every Saturday practice. My goal is to make it to every Saturday practice and make the 18 man travel roster for the season.


  1. I am glad things are going better for you. Good luck with your season! It was a well written post overall, but I think you may have meant "progress" in your title, not "progess".

  2. I can't imagine waking up that early everyday, we have practice at 8 am sometimes and I can barely get awake for that. Very interesting topic and good luck with your season!
