Friday, January 29, 2016

5 AMs and Sleeping

Being a college athlete is one of the most difficult things to do. School, work, and social life is enough, then you throw in a sport with it. It can become a crazy life! A college sport is a completely different job. I am on the softball team and it is definitely a challenge at times. The most difficult part is 5 am practices. Getting used to waking up at 3:45 am is not too bad as long as I go to sleep at a decent time. The biggest problem though, is the getting to sleep. This is the worst when the hallway is very loud at night. I struggle getting to sleep when I don't have to get up at 3:45 and there is a lot of noise. I am one of those people that I am used to no random sounds while going to sleep. This is why I struggle so hard to get to sleep when other people going through the halls are loud or shut doors very loudly. Since it has been a week, most of the hallway has gotten used to being quiet sooner, which has helped. The biggest thing now is people who do not live in the hall and walk through it. They are not very aware that there are seven of us try to sleep. Like I said though, it is getting better. Hopefully, these next five weeks will go by fast, so I can get back on a regular sleeping schedule!


  1. I couldn't imagine having to wake up that early in the morning ! Good luck this season and I hope you are able to get to sleep better! Everything in this post was very well written!

  2. And I thought football had it bad, we only have to get up for lifting at 7. I will take to walk through the halls a lot quitter now

  3. As someone who also needs it quiet to sleep and doesn't like to wake up early, I feel sorry for you and hope it is getting better! Have you tried using a fan and/or sound machine to block some of the noise? Remember your periods in a.m., and I think you may have meant "trying" to sleep, instead of "try" to sleep, towards the end of the paragraph.

  4. I absolutely hate waking up early and would not be a very happy person! Your audience can relate to your story and it appeals to other students in the class.
