Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Very Traumatic Memory

I am going to be honest, I do not have the best memory. Because of that, my vivid memory is going to be from my Freshman year in High School. Though I do not have the best memory, I remember this particular event very well because it was a traumatic event. 
It was just like any other day. I went to school and had a pretty normal day. The softball and baseball teams got out of class about fifteen minutes early to make to to out conference game on time. We all got to the locker rooms at the park and got dressed and ready to head to Wayne Trace. Like usual, the girls fought the guys for the back of the bus. Again like usual, we did not get it. Everyone finally loaded up, and we were off. I was one of the only girls at that time that knew how to braid hair, so multiple people asked me to do so. It took me a little while to get everyone’s hair braided that wanted it, but finally I finished! We had just got over the 24 overpass passed Antwerp. I sat down, put my music in, and pulled my leg up to seat back in front of me. The next thing I remember was hearing the bus honk loudly, then “CRASH!” The bus had t-boned another vehicle that pulled out in front of it. The coaches yelled back and asked if everyone was okay. After that, I saw my dad, who was the head softball coach at the time, sprint off the bus to the car we hit. The car had spun multiple times and crashed into the stop sign and Route 111 sign on the other side of the road. My dad was very knowledgable in what to do at that moment.  On the bus, everyone was freaking out. The bus driver was trying to get us off as quickly as she could. I was on the was off when I realized I was missing a shoe. I remembered I took one off when I sat down. It had slid to the front of the bus where I found it as I got off. The coaches and bus driver had us go back across the road and camp out there until EMS got there. I called my mom to let her know what happened since my dad was busy. She got upset, but said she’d be there as soon as she could. After I go off the phone I went over to the only other freshman softball player that was on Varsity. We were best friends and I wanted to make sure she was okay. She, like many others, had hit her head and were complaining of headaches. When the EMS finally arrived, they put a total of eight softball players on stretchers and in neck braces as a precaution of their headaches. I eventually ended up being one of the girls. Before I was taken away on the stretcher in an ambulance, I got the see the life-light land in the field across the road. They were there to transport the people from the car to a hospital in Toledo. They finally stated transporting everyone to Paulding Hospital and my dad rode in the front of the ambulance that transported me. After a couple minutes of being there, my mom and sister arrived and came and stood by me while my dad went to check on the rest of the team. It took about four hours of being in a neck brace and on a backboard in the middle of a hallway to get a CT scan. Finally, I did get one and was able to go home. During about two and a half hours of that, I had to go to the bathroom. I would say this is definitely one of my most vivid memories because it was the first vehicle accident I had ever been in. It was definitely something I will never forget. In fact, I still get nervous going through that intersection at times. 

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