Sunday, January 17, 2016

One Crazy Night

I woke up to the bright morning sun with a slight headache. My body ached from laying on a hard surface, and the first thing I saw was bars. That was when I realized I had spent the night in a jail cell. I sat up real quick and felt a little queasy. I had on a red and black plaid flannel that I knew was not mine and cut off jean shorts. There was also a little mud on my legs and my boots which were on the floor next to me. I felt a sharp object in my pocket and reached in to pull it out. It was a Redd's bottle cap. I decided to check the rest of my pockets to see if there was anything else that would help me remember the night before. I found a pack of matches, a couple corn kernels, my ID, and a key. I knew the bottle cap meant I had to have been at a party of some kind. I thought about the matches for a second and realized I started the fire with one of the matches at the bonfire the night before. I looked at the key and thought about the mud on my boots and legs. I thought about it for a second, remembering we went mudding on the four-wheeler and I must have put the key in my pocket when I got done. Next thing I remembered was sitting by the fire being cold and a cute guy coming up to me. He gave me his shirt so I would stay warm. I really had to think hard about the corn kernels though. I was completely stumped! I looked at the back of my hand and saw some scratches. I remembered being in the truck and sticking my hand out the window and getting a scratch. That's when it hit me! The cops came and busted the party. That's when the cute guy and I ran to his truck and started to drive through the corn field, until we came to the county road and a cop was right there. Some kernels must have flew in the window and wedged their way into my pocket. When the cop pulled us over I had to show him my ID since I had been drinking. I was legal, but since we ran, he had to take us in. That was definitely a night to remember.


  1. That seems like a very interesting night, Michaela! I really wish I could of been there even though the party got busted. At least you did not regret your crazy night and definitely one for the books!


  2. i love the story line, very creative and great detail.


  3. i love the story line, very creative and great detail.
